SUPPORT THE ministry
We are Watchorn Church (Alfreton UK). We are a Bible-believing, Evangelical Church, seeking to build the city of God in England. We are working towards reformation in preaching, worship, Christian education, and mission. In recent years we have taken a stand against the drift away from God’s word. However, this has come at a literal cost. We ask you to pray and consider supporting us financially in our mission.
To find out more, please keep reading.
Since its founding in 1929, Watchorn Church (Alfreton UK) has had a rich history of Bible-believing congregations and leaders. Originally founded by local philanthropist Sir Robert Watchorn, the church began as a Primitive Methodist. The Church building itself went through a significant refurbishment in 2012 which saw the congregation fund a large majority of the work, at the cost of £1.9m.
As the congregation recognised in the Methodist denomination a shift away from God’s Word, Watchorn Church made the decision to break free from Methodism, becoming independent in 2019.
Although no substantial financial contribution was made by the Methodist denomination to the more recent refurbishment of the building, it was decided that they would only allow the building to remain with the people of Watchorn Church if they paid a price of £350,000. The congregation had only just given to the building project; a great sacrifice for a people of no great means. The Church therefore had to borrow the funds from various lenders. With the 1.9 million build and the buying of Church building from the Methodists of £350,000 has left the Church with a deficit of around £192,493 as of September 2023.
Despite these financial constraints, the Church is fulfilling its mandate to proclaim the gospel to the world. Watchorn Church hosts a Christian Independent Primary School, a secondary-aged tutor centre, and has only just taken its first steps towards the founding of its own theological college. The primary school is now at full capacity and the secondary element continues to grow apace.
The Church is blessed with able preachers and teachers of God’s Word. These men often travel to local churches and make the Gospel known to the lost on the streets of Alfreton. We also desire to show the love of God not just in word but also in deed. We support programmes designed to deliver food to the hungry, both locally and further afield. Our desire to reach the lost also extends to other nations. We have long supported a Christian school in the slums of Kolkata and sent missionaries to remote locations in Nepal.
Please prayerfully consider supporting us in these endeavours. We are seeing real Kingdom growth in the middle of England; even as mainline denominations fall. To be released of our debts – incurred because of the stand we have taken – would help us reach the lost, to the glory of God. Thank you for your consideration.
By following the link below you can go to our Stewardship giving page and give your support to what God is doing at Watchorn church by eradicating the church’s debt. By signing into Stewardship, which is very simple, you can choose to remain anonymous and set your giving against ‘Gift Aid’ if you are eligible.