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Building a systematic theology together, over twenty sessions.

The Foundations course is the centrepiece of Theology That Sings. Using the historic Nicene Creed as our skeleton, we compass the breadth and depth of Christian theology, both ancient and modern. The purpose of this course is to equip you in your walk of faith; to give you your bearings so that you might better understand all that God has done, and is still doing today.

We start with the basics: What is theology? Why is it important to reflect on God at all? From there, we slowly build a systematic theology together in conversation with the creeds and confessions of God's people - in dialogue with Church Fathers, Medieval scholars, Protestant Reformers, as well as the great heroes of Evangelicalism.


Here are just a few of the subjects covered:


  • Who is God? What are his attributes?

  • How can we understand the Trinity?

  • What about creation, and human nature?

  • What about angels and demons?

  • How did the Cross achieve our salvation?

  • Why did Jesus have to rise from the dead, and ascend to heaven?

  • What do we mean when we say Jesus is '100% God and 100% man'?

  • What is the Kingdom of God?

  • Why did the doctrine of justification cause the Reformation?

  • Who is the Holy Spirit, and how does he minister today?

  • Is there a conflict between science and religion?

  • In what way are the Scriptures authoritative?

  • How can we trust the Bible today?

  • What is God's purpose for the Church?

  • What is God's ultimate purpose in all things?


The Foundations course covers a lot of subjects, but the connecting thread is simple: "Behold, my servant shall be exalted and highly lifted up" [Isa 52:13]. The Father's plan - in all things - is to glorify himself through Christ, by the Spirit. It's one big, beautiful panoramic vision, and Jesus is at the centre of it.​

The Nicene Creed of 325AD

The TTS Foundations sessions are structured using the Nicene Creed of 325AD - a benchmark for sound Biblical teaching regarding Christ's divinity, as well as a number of other distinctives. You can read it here, learn more about it from Wikipedia as well as from The Gospel Coalition's John Starke, and we look at the history of the Creed in one of our main Foundations sessions.

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