Notes for TTS

Session One
​"We Believe..."
Looking at the importance of theology - why would God make us all theologians? How do we go about doing theology at all?

Session Two
​"In One God, the Father, the Almighty" (P1/2)
Looking at our doctrine of God - his goodness (i.e. personality), and his greatness (i.e. his attributes), as well as his pursuit for his own glory. Notes can be downloaded at the link below.

Session Three
​"In One God, the Father, the Almighty" (P2/2)
Looking at the doctrine of the Trinity, its majesty and importance. Notes can be downloaded at the link below.

Session Four
​"Maker of Heaven & Earth, of All That Is" (P1/2)
Looking at 'protology' - i.e. our theology of creation, providence, and God as Creator. Notes can be downloaded at the link below

Session Five
"Maker of Heaven & Earth, of All That Is" (P2/2)
Continuing our study of 'protology' - i.e. our theology of creation. In this session we looked at 'theological anthropology', our doctrine of human nature, both before and after the fall, and ultimately as restored in Christ himself. Notes can be downloaded at the link below.

Session Six
"We Believe in One Lord, Jesus Christ"
Introducing the subject of 'Christology' - the person and significance of Jesus Christ. In this session we looked at how the study of Jesus has become big business, precisely because he changed the course of human civilisation. We also looked at his ministry in the context of Israel's history.

Session Seven
"Eternally Begotten of the Father..." (P1/2)
Continuing our study of 'Christology' - i.e. the person and significance of Jesus Christ. In this session we studied the doctrine of the Incarnation, the belief that Jesus is fully God and fully man. We established this doctrine from the Scriptures before thinking about its significance to our own lives.

Session Eight
"Eternally Begotten of the Father..."
Concluding our study of 'Christology' - i.e. the person and significance of Jesus Christ. This was a special session, in which we took the time to stretch ourselves by examining Church history. We detailed early Church heresies and how God preserved his truth in time.

Session Nine
"For Our Sake..." (P1/5)
Beginning our study of 'Soteriology' - i.e. the theology of salvation. We started by looking at God's free choice to be a Saviour God: in Christ, for us, electing a people. The doctrine of election suffers from a poor reputation in the modern Church. In this session we sought to rediscover why it is so important for the life of God's people.

Session Ten
"For Our Sake..." (P2/5)
Continuing our study of 'Soteriology' - i.e. the theology of salvation. Here we looked at the 'power of the Cross', the horror and shame of crucifixion, and how the New Testament frames this not as a defeat but as the very victory of God.

Session Eleven
"For Our Sake..." (P3/5)
Continuing our study of 'Soteriology' - i.e. the theology of salvation. Here we asked ourselves a simple question: how did the Cross of Christ 'work'? “hat was happening on the cross that saved us from sin?

Session Twelve
"For Our Sake..." (P4/5)
Continuing our study of 'Soteriology' - i.e. the theology of salvation. Here we looked at the Resurrection. We know that Jesus had to die, but why did he have to rise? What did the Resurrection of the Messiah achieve?

Session Thirteen
"For Our Sake..." (P5/5)
Finishing our study of 'Soteriology' - i.e. the theology of salvation. Here we looked at the ordo salutis, the 'order of salvation' - from regeneration and union with Christ, to justification, sanctification, and glorification. Christ the New Man, redeeming a New Humanity, that we might be at peace with God and one another.

Session Fourteen
“He Ascended & His Kingdom Has No End”
In this session we looked at the Ascension of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. We rarely hear sermons on Christ’s ascent into the heavens, and many can be confused as to exactly what the ‘kingdom’ entails. However, the New Testament places these things at the centre of the Gospel - they mark nothing less than the coronation of Jesus and the beginning of God’s victory over all things.

Session Fifteen
"We Believe in the Holy Spirit" (P1)
“This session marks the first in a study of ‘Pneumatology’ - i.e. the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. After surveying how the early Church came to a greater realisation of the Spirit’s significance throughout its first five centuries, we established one basic theme throughout Scripture: the Spirit serves the Father by exalting the Son.”

Session Sixteen
"We Believe in the Holy Spirit" (P2)
“The conclusion to our study of ‘Pneumatology’ - ie. our theology of the Holy Spirit. In this session we look at the relationship between Word & Spirit balance. How has the Church understood this in history? And how do we navigate modern questions about spiritual gifts?”

Session Seventeen
"He Has Spoken" (P1)
“The first in our study of the doctrine of Scripture. In this session, we looked at the graciousness of all divine revelation, made perfect in Christ and written for our benefit in the Bible. What is the nature of Scripture? What is its authority? How did Jesus and the apostles approach Scripture? We conclude by saying that the Bible alone is supremely sufficient and supremely authoritative.”

Session Eighteen
"He Has Spoken" (P2)
“The last in our study of the doctrine of Scripture. A more practical session on the right use of the Bible - how do we handle it well? What does ‘exegesis’ mean, and how do we it? We established some basic principles for Biblical interpretation and identify a handful of challenges.”

Session Nineteen
"TTS S19 - In One Church" (P1)
The beginning of a new, four-part series on ‘Ecclesiology’ - our theology of the Church. In this first session, we reflect on the Church as it were from God’s own perspective: as God’s precious possession. The Church is the Bride of Christ; the Church is the Heritage of Christ; the Church is the Family of Christ; the Church is the Body of Christ, and the Church is the Nation of Christ. We must build our theology of the Church to the sound of God singing over his people!