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  1. What is Theology That Sings?

  2. Who is TTS for?

  3. How does TTS work?

  4. Do you have to attend everything?

  5. Where do you meet?

  6. ​Who runs TTS?

  7. What does teaching look like at TTS?

  8. Is TTS affiliated with a specific Church?

  9. How much does TTS cost?​

About TTS

1. What is Theology That Sings?

'Theology That Sings' (TTS) seeks to provide Christ-centred theological teaching and resources for God's people in a way that's joyful, worshipful, and accessible. Sponsored by the local Church and currently serving the Derbyshire / Nottingham area, TTS is a bit like an 'underground' theological college - just without the essays and tuition fees!


Theology That Sings seeks to illuminate the deep, joyful, life-giving truths of Scripture. We want to equip you in your walk with God - to give you your bearings so that you might better delight in all that he has done, and is still doing today. This kind of theology belongs to everyone and not just the intellectually gifted. After all, Jesus told us to worship God with everything within us: heart, soul, strength, and mind!


Do you want to go deeper in your faith? Would you benefit from the riches of Scripture and Church history? Perhaps you once thought of going to Bible school, or planned on doing a theology degree, but life got in the way. Maybe you just need a refresher. Whoever you are, Theology That Sings is for you.


2. Who is TTS for? Who should attend


Theology That Sings is for everyone. Some of those who attend have done theological study before; others have never done any at all. Some have been to university, whilst others have not. The only requirement is a desire to love Christ as Lord and to submit to his Word.


3. How does TTS work?


Theology That Sings' major focus is the 'Foundations' course. We meet at Watchorn Church on the last Wednesdays of the month. Using the Nicene Creed as its skeleton, the Foundations Course explores every aspect of Christian theology, asking important questions that have a tangible impact on your own walk with Christ. What are God’s attributes? What is the Trinity? What does it mean to describe God as Creator? (Etc.)


It is our hope that as TTS grows we will be able to offer even more. Watch this space.​


4. Do you have to attend everything?


Not at all. You can come and go as you please. The Foundations course is designed as one coherent whole; you would therefore benefit from attending as many sessions as possible, as consistently as possible. However, the focus here is not on registers; no pressure will be placed on you to attend should life get in the way!


5. Where do you meet for TTS?


We meet during term time at Watchorn Church - arriving at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Location details can be found here.


6. Who runs Theology That Sings?

Dr. Nathan Paylor is the Director and Founder of TTS. He oversees TTS with the essential support and guidance of a wider leadership team, in submission to the eldership at Watchorn Church (Alfreton). Dr. Paylor worships there alongside his wife, Jo. He holds a First Class honours degree in Theology, an MA in Christian Theology from Durham University, as well as a PhD in theology.


7. What does teaching look like at TTS?


Whilst those who attend Theology That Sings hold a diversity of views on a number of issues, TTS is unapologetically Evangelical in nature. We are proud to deliver 'Reformational' teaching with a robustly Protestant identity. We would align with some widely accepted doctrinal standards: e.g. the Evangelical Alliance’s Basis of Faith; the FIEC's list of Beliefs; the UCCF's Doctrinal Basis, etc.


Dr. Paylor would happily affirm each of these standards. He shares a strong concern for the historic Christian tradition spanning two millennia. His theological influences include (but are not limited to): Augustine of Hippo, Anselm of Canterbury, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin, George Whitefield, Matthew Henry, as well as the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, G.K. Chesterton, and C.S. Lewis.


8. Is TTS affiliated with a specific Church?


We believe that theology must serve the Church. Indeed, theology finds its best and most vibrant expression when it serves a believing community. TTS is an expression of the believing community at Watchorn Church (Alfreton), where he and his wife both attend and worship. It is overseen by Pastor Ryan Clarke alongside a team of elders.


9. How much does TTS cost?


Absolutely nothing. You are welcome, of course, free to support TTS by offering a donation; a project of this size takes time and effort. But you are just as free to attend, no strings attached.

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