Welcome tO
“I will sing with the Spirit, but I will sing with my mind as well”
[1 Cor 14:15]
These words of Paul to the Corinthians are the inspiration for ‘Theology That Sings’ (TTS). We believe theology ought to be nothing less than faith seeking understanding; the fulfilment of Christ’s command to love the LORD our God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind. Yes, theology can be done badly, and has been done badly - but it can also sanctify our thinking with a joy that transforms our daily lives.
We believe that the best forum for theological study is the local church. This has been the pattern of believers throughout history and it's one we value highly. We're pleased to be under the oversight of the elders at Watchorn Church (Alfreton), which hosts the TTS Foundations course. Using the Nicene Creed as a skeleton, we build a systematic theology together - blending teaching and discussion with fellowship, food, singing, and the pursuit of sound doctrine. No matter your educational background, Theology That Sings is for you!
Here you'll find detailed notes, information about our upcoming sessions, and much more besides. In time, our hope is that TTS will grow - offering a wider range of courses and services to believers. But for now, our desire is single: to glorify God with a theology that sings. We want you to join us in this endeavour. Click the links above or below to find out more!